Growth Marketing Institute Inc. and its offices worldwide (the “Project”, “we”, “us” and “our”) are committed to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring that you continue to trust the Project with your personal data. When you interact with us, you may share personal information with us that allows identification of you as an individual (e.g. name, email address, address, and telephone number). This is known as “personal data”.

This Privacy Policy applies where the Project is acting as a data controller with respect to the personal data of you as a visitor to our websites and as a user of the Project platforms and/or services, in other words, where the Project determines the purposes and means of the processing of your personal data.

1. Scope and Acceptance of This Privacy Policy

The Project has developed this Privacy Policy to describe how and what type of personal data will be collected from users of the Project websites and/or platforms and the purposes, for which the Project may collect, share or disclose the personal data.

By using Project websites, platforms, mobile apps, text messaging programs or through the Project branded pages or applications on third-party social networks (e.g. Facebook) (“Project Sites”) or by giving us your personal data when registering for events or other services, you accept the collecting and processing of your personal data as described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use Project Sites or give us any personal data.

This Privacy Policy applies to any information obtained by the Project through your use of the Project Sites. It is not applicable to any websites controlled by third parties not affiliated with the Project that the Project Site may link to (“Third Party Sites”). Please review the privacy statements of each of these Third Party Sites as the Project is not responsible for and has no influence on the content or the privacy practices of Third Party Sites.

The Project reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time. We encourage you to regularly review this Privacy Policy to make sure you are aware of any changes and how your personal data may be used.

2. What information do we collect and for what purposes?

When you visit the Project Sites, our web server automatically records details about your visit: for example, your IP address, the website from which you visit us, the type of browser software used the Project Site pages that you actually visit including the date and the duration of your visit. Please see our Cookie Notice for information on these technologies and your rights in relation to them (See section 5).

In addition, we process personal data that you provide through the Project Sites, for example, when you enter personal details (e.g. name, gender, address, email address, phone/fax number) on a registration page or if you sign up for an email newsletter.

The Project may use the personal data that you provide to us with your consent for a specified purpose or when you interact with Project Sites or we process your data if we have legal basis, namely, with regards to your registration to Project events or your request of Project services.

Furthermore, we operate (I) custom platforms, which are fully built and maintained by the Project (“Custom Platforms”); and (II) cooperate with platforms which provide individual Project products or services, which are maintained and provided for by third-party providers (“Cooperation Platforms”), and (III) third party applications and services, which can be embedded or integrated into one of the platforms described under (I) or (II) (“Embedded Services”).

I. Custom Platforms

Public websites –

The Project public websites are the external-facing platforms for public engagement with the Project and provide insights into Project activities, initiatives, projects and roadmaps. The public websites also provide other services such as a blog, articles of general interest and livestreaming services of sessions and events during the said events and sessions.

The public websites use third party cookies for analytics (Google Analytics) and to track common metrics such as platform engagement, concurrent users, maximum number of users, time spent on a page, etc. Any use of such analytics cookies is to improve your user experience and provide the Project with valuable information to help the Project to better tailor our services to our partners, members, constituents and participants.

II. Embedded Services (services that can be embedded or integrated into Custom or Cooperation Platforms)

Stripe payments

On our payment platform, you have the option to fund the Project. With regards to such a donation, we will collect information regarding the amount you donated and we will need to identify you to allocate the donation. We will share transaction data with our payment processor, Stripe, only to the extent necessary for the purposes of allocating your payments. When you initially provide or update your payment information, we transmit it via an encrypted connection to Stripe. Stripe uses and processes your payment information in accordance with Stripe’s Privacy Policy.

3. Children’s Personal Data

The Project does not knowingly solicit or collect personal data from children below the age of 18. If the Project discovers that it has accidentally collected personal data from a child below the age of 18, it will remove that child’s personal data from its records as soon as reasonably possible. However, the Project may collect personal data about children below the age of 18 years if authorized by the holder of parental responsibility over the child.

4. How do we share personal data?

We do not share your personal data with any third party that intends to use it for direct marketing purposes, unless you have provided specific consent in relation to this.

The Project may share your personal data with third parties for other purposes, but only in the following circumstances:

I. With your consent

We will share personal data with third parties outside of the Project when we have your consent to do so. We require explicit opt-in consent for the sharing of any sensitive personal information.

II. For legitimate interests

We will share personal data based on legitimate interests as, for example, when you register for one of our events, except where such interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights, in which case we will request your explicit consent.

III. For processing of Project’s offices in other regions

We provide your personal data to the Project’s offices in other regions for legitimate business purposes, on a “need-to-know” basis, based on our instructions and in compliance with our Privacy Policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.

IV. For external processing (service providers)

We may engage service providers, agents or contractors to provide services on our behalf, including to administer Project Sites and services available to you. These third parties may come to access or otherwise process your personal data in the course of providing these services.

The Project requires such third parties, who may be based outside the country from which you have accessed the Project Site or service, to comply with all relevant data protection laws and security requirements in relation to your personal data, usually by way of a written agreement.

V. Compliance with laws

We will share personal data with third parties outside of the Project if we have a good-faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of the personal data is reasonably necessary to:

– Meet any applicable law, regulation, legal process or enforceable governmental request

– Enforce applicable Terms of Use, including investigation of potential violations

– Detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues

– Protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of the Project, our users or the public as required or permitted by law

5. “Cookie Notice”

5.1 About cookies

A cookie is a small piece of information that a web server asks the user’s browser to store on the user’s local computer, and then later their browser presents this information to the web server. In its simplest form, a cookie is an identifying number.

5.2 What type of cookies do we use?

We use two types of cookies on Project Sites: persistent cookies and session cookies. A persistent cookie helps us recognize you as an existing user, so it’s easier to return to Project Sites or interact with our services without signing in again. In the event you sign up to one of our platforms, a persistent cookie stays in your browser and will be read by the service when you return to one of our sites. Session cookies only last as long as the session (usually the current visit to a website or a browser session).

We use cookies for anonymous user tracking. The Project web server assigns each user a unique numerical ID (“ID”). All requests for pages are tagged with that ID, and by analyzing the log files, the Project can determine how many unique users use Project Sites.

5.3 How do we use cookies?

The Project does not know the identity of a person based on the ID. The cookies used by the Project do not contain any personal data about you nor are they used to look up your personal data. Even if you have entered personal data about yourself in one of the Project’s registration forms, the Project does not relate that information to the cookie data.

The Project Sites may use cookies for analytics and to improve your user experience. Project Sites will usually not natively use cookies but our analytics providers do use these cookies to improve user experience.

Our analytics providers include:

– Google [Privacy Policy]

These providers use cookies to tailor your user experience, gather statistics on usage and engagement and help better inform the Project’s efforts to deliver world-class engagement, knowledge and events.

You are free to decline the cookies if your browser or browser add-on allows, except if the cookies are required to prevent fraud or ensure the security of Project Sites that the Project controls. However, disabling the use of cookies will result in a less user-friendly experience of the Project Sites or can fully prevent you from using the Project Sites.

6. How do we store or transfer your data?

The Project has offices and facilities in Switzerland, the United States, Japan and China. The hosting facilities for our websites and Project Custom Platforms are situated in Switzerland and the EU, the Chinese website is hosted in Singapore.

When transferring personal data internationally, we make sure that we comply with applicable laws and regulations, for example, by entering into agreements that will ensure that the recipients of your information maintain an adequate level of data protection.

Information collected within the European Economic Area (“EEA”) may, for example, be transferred to countries outside of the EEA for the purposes as described in this Policy. We utilize standard contract clauses approved by the European Commission, adopt other means under Swiss and European Union law and/or obtain your consent to legitimize data transfers from the EEA to the United States and other countries.

7. Security of personal data

The Project is committed to protecting the security of your personal data. Any information provided to the Project by you is handled with due care and security, and will not be used in ways other than as set forth in this Privacy Policy, or in any site/area-specific policies, or in ways to which users have not explicitly consented. The Project employs a range of technologies and security measures to protect the information maintained on Project systems from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration or destruction.

However, since the internet is not a 100% secure environment, the Project cannot ensure nor guarantee the security of any information that the user may transmit to Project Sites. There is no guarantee that information may not be accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed by breach of any of the Project’s physical, technical or managerial safeguards.

All Project employees who have access to and are associated with the processing of personal data are obliged to respect the confidentiality of all such personal data.

8. How long do we retain personal data?

The Project will retain your personal data for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy and/or as long we require the personal data to provide you with the Project services or products you requested, unless a longer retention period is required to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements.

9. How can you access your data or contact us?

You have a right to request access to your personal data. You may send us a request for access, provision of such information will be subject to the supply of appropriate evidence of your identity. You also have the right to request that the Project corrects any inaccuracies in your personal data.

You have the right to opt out of receiving marketing communications or any other information from the Project or about Project events and can do so by (a) following the instructions for opt-out in the relevant marketing communication or (b) by contacting us.

Should you have any questions, concerns and/or complaints about this Privacy Policy or if you would like to make any recommendations or comments to improve the quality of our Privacy Policy, please contact us.

10. Our details

The Project is the data controller for personal data we collect through means stated in this Privacy Policy. Our address is:

Growth Marketing Institute Inc.
1150 South Olive Street
Los Angeles, CA, USA


1150 South Olive Street
Los Angeles, CA, USA

© 2024 Growth Marketing Institute. All rights reserved.