Learn the most important skills for marketers today: Growth Marketing.

The most successful type of marketing is growth marketing. Yet most marketers don’t do growth marketing. They do “ordinary” marketing. Which produces ordinary results.

Growth Marketing Masterclass is for marketers and business operators who want to generate much better results from your marketing, much faster.

Let's be honest: Marketing is pretty darn frustrating.

Results are inconsistent, there are endless amounts of channels and platforms, advertising can become expensive real fast, and algorithms are impossible to figure out. We know. We get it.

But there is a different way — a better way — for businesses of all kinds and sizes to do marketing that produces remarkable outcomes, both in the short-term and long-term.

It’s called growth marketing.

And it takes the guess work out of growing your business, so you can spend your marketing dollars better, make them go farther, and ultimately reach the pinnacle for any business: the growth flywheel.

In other words, growth marketing will position your business to attract more new customers while increasing your pricing power, which drives more sales and revenues, which can then be reinvested to attract more new customers while continuously increasing prices, and the flywheel gets exponentially stronger.

Welcome to marketing, as it should be.

Who is behind this masterclass?

The Growth Marketing Institute, headquartered in Los Angeles, is behind Growth Marketing Masterclass.

Our mission is to empower businesses of all kinds and sizes to leverage the single-greatest (and most under-utilized) competitive advantage: growth marketing.

Established in 2012, we are experts at combining consumer psychology, design thinking, brand development, converged media marketing, and customer experience to make your business stand out, step up, and prosper.

This mission starts within our own company, which does the same growth marketing work that we offer to our clients, thanks to a talented group of people who share a distilled passion for growth marketing — as well as our values of curiosity, competency, and courage (and, of course, being a good human).

The Growth Marketing Institute is led by Joshua Hoffman, author of “The Growth Marketing Book” which is available on Amazon.

Why do growth marketing?

Aren’t you tired of doing marketing that is inconsistent, unpredictable, or just isn’t really working that well?

Growth marketing is a different way — a better way — for businesses to dramatically increase their performance and growth (sales, customer lifetime value, etc) while minimizing metrics like churn and customer acquisition costs.

For businesses of all kinds and sizes, growth marketing is the single-greatest (and most under-utilized) competitive advantage.

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Marketing is supposed to do one thing: Systematically grow your business.

Every business does some version of marketing, but few do growth marketing.

Growth marketing is the process of systematically attracting new and existing customers to more quickly experience value from your product or service, thus giving you stronger pricing power, greater customer lifetime value, and a distinctive edge over competitors.

In other words, growth marketing is marketing that generates much better results, much faster.

Turn your marketing into a growth-driving machine.

Instead of focusing on your products and services (commodities), growth marketing focuses on your business’s “category” (an asset) to generate — for example — more sales and repeat customers, greater pricing power, and higher customer lifetime value.

Through creative storytelling, eye-catching visuals, and compelling messaging, growth marketing done right is a difference-maker for businesses of all kinds and sizes.

In simple terms, the results look something like this:

The Challenges for Most Businesses

Building and growing a successful business is tough. Thankfully, there are three main reasons why growth marketing can uniquely sustain and grow your business.

Marketing is becoming more and more expensive.

The internet used to be a cheap form of marketing, until every business started using it accordingly. Now, both online and offline marketing are increasingly expensive. Growth marketing reduces costs such as customer cost-per-acquisition and churn — making it less costly than any other type of marketing.

Customers have an increasingly high barometer for trust.

Starting a business has never been easier, which means there is more competition in every market now more than ever. Hence why customers are overwhelmed and their BS radar is at an all-time high. Growth marketing is the fastest, most sustainable way to develop and maintain trust with customers, ultimately leading to more sales, revenues, and other valuable metrics.

Customer loyalty is at an all-time low.

The way to a customer’s heart is to offer them something unique (or the feeling that they are buying something unique). Growth marketing is the easiest and fastest way to do so — empowering your business to stand out from the competition, retain a higher percentage of customers, and dominate your category over an extended period of time.

Growth Marketing

Regular Marketing

Select Case Studies

Brent’s Deli & Restaurant


Brent’s Deli increased its year-over-year sales by $300,000 after attending Growth Marketing Masterclass.

Fibers & Floors Design

B2B + B2C

Fibers & Floors Design increased their pricing power by 25% and average client spend by 50% after attending Growth Marketing Masterclass.

Kado Technologies


Kado raised $1.2 million in venture capital after attending Growth Marketing Masterclass.

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how it works

Growth Marketing


Sign up for our live Growth Marketing Masterclass, according to your schedule. Each masterclass is 90 minutes long — 50 minutes for the course instruction, and 40 minutes for questions and answers


Each masterclass is conducted as a private, exclusive 1-to-1 video session between you and one of our growth marketing strategists. (You can invite multiple people from your team at no additional cost.)


The masterclass is completely customized for your business or organization. Immediately after payment, we ask for your details, such as your website, top goals for the foreseeable future, and current challenges you’re experiencing.

(If you do not represent a business or organization and simply want to elevate your growth marketing skills, that works too!)


Upon completion, you get instant access to Growth Marketing SuperBoost, our on-demand software that allows you to build you a growth marketing strategy customized for your business or organization.


You also get access to Growth Marketing Central, an online portal which includes next steps about how to use and implement your new growth marketing strategy, so you can start seeing vital results.


If you prefer as an add-on, you can schedule an additional 1-hour one-to-one strategy session with one of our growth marketing strategists, via a video call, after you have completed the masterclass and built your growth marketing strategy.

Results are not everything.
They are the only thing.

More than 35 percent of businesses worldwide are increasing their investment in growth marketing this year. You should be one of them.

Source: HubSpot

Better Performance

Whether you are looking to increase revenues, sales, prices, or donations, growth marketing will position your business to perform much higher across your most important KPIs.

Greater Growth

As they say, you either are in the green and growing or in the red and rotting. Growth marketing supercharges growth, such as greater market share, pricing power, and customer lifetime value, as well as decreasing cost-per-acquisition and churn.

More Opportunities

Growth marketing enables businesses to more seamlessly pivot, add more products and services, develop beneficial partnerships, raise venture capital, and hire better employees, among many other examples.

Win your industry.

Growth marketing positions your business to stand out from competitors, increase your pricing power, maximize customer lifetime value, and minimize churn.

Win your customers.

Growth marketing positions your business to stay top-of-mind in your current and prospective customers’ minds, compel them to pay more for your products and services, and dramatically increase customer loyalty and advocacy (word-of-mouth).

Win your referrals.

Growth marketing positions your business to significantly increase the number of referrals you receive and convert to paying customers.

Who is growth marketing for?

Growth marketing is for businesses of all kinds and sizes. Here’s why.


Ultimately every business is an interaction between two or more humans who are driven by feelings, emotional appeal, persuasion, and psychology.

Creativity Wins

Having a big marketing budget can help, but it is neither the holy grail nor a prerequisite to do growth marketing. Nowadays, creativity is the main driver of growth marketing success.

Digital Media

Once upon a time, mass marketing was relegated to the biggest businesses because the barriers of entry were very high. But with the advent and evolution of the internet (digital media), the barriers are increasingly minimal.

What’s Inside

Growth Marketing Masterclass walks you step-by-step through the most holistic growth marketing strategies, including:

Word on the Street

For what it’s worth, here is what some of Growth Marketing Masterclass clients have said.

“Before discovering this class, our company was struggling with marketing. We tried a little bit of everything, but never had a complete strategy. Not only do we now have a complete strategy, but we learned a much better way to grow and market our business!”

Maia Tihista
CMO, Procare Solutions

“As I’m building my business, I have been looking to build and acquire tangible resources to help me scale. After much searching, and trial and error, I was referred this and could not be happier. It is granular and detailed, and will help me accelerate the growth of my business. The value for the cost is unmatched.”

Chris Rodriguez
Owner, iExcel

“I can’t even tell you how often I go back to our growth marketing strategy. I haven’t come across a better resource (not that I’m really looking anymore). I don’t even try to take credit for it when I share it with my colleagues — it’s just that good.”

Anne Murlowski
VP Marketing, Terminus

“This class saved us tons of time with their simple, step-by-step modules. I can literally just hand it off to my team and have whoever execute. Our sales increased by 26% in one month after implementing the strategy.”

Laurence Bradford
Owner, learntocodewith.me

“Theory is great, but results are more important. In this aspect, this class is the Holy Grail and a true game-changer. Showing me step-by-step how to elevate our marketing has been extremely valuable!”

Greg Edwards
Director of Marketing, Angelpoint

“I’ve spent so much time and money on marketing. I am honestly mad at myself that I did not take growth marketing more seriously sooner. I paid it for dearly. But since attending this masterclass, thankfully I have doubled the amount of clients and increased my prices by 50% since diving into this. Highly recommended!”

Casey Kelly
Yoga & Meditation Teacher

Questions? Answers.

If you still have more questions, please contact us.

After more than 10 years of working with marquee brands across the world, we (the Growth Marketing Institute) have made our signature, holistic strategies accessible to businesses and organizations that want to start doing marketing that actually works: growth marketing.

Sign up for our live Growth Marketing Masterclass, according to your schedule. Each masterclass is 90 minutes long — 50 minutes for the course instruction, and 40 minutes for questions and answers.

After you submit payment below, you will immediately be redirected to schedule the masterclass at a day and time of your choosing.

Each masterclass is 90 minutes long — 50 minutes for the course instruction, and 40 minutes for questions and answers.

Each masterclass is conducted as a live 1-to-1 video session between you and one of our growth marketing strategists. (You can invite multiple people from your team at no additional cost.)

Upon completion, you get instant access to Growth Marketing SuperBoost, our on-demand software that allows you to build you a growth marketing strategy customized for your business or organization.

You also get access to Growth Marketing Central, an online portal which includes next steps about how to use and implement your new growth marketing strategy, so you can start seeing vital results.

Each masterclass is 90 minutes long — 50 minutes for the course instruction, and 40 minutes for questions and answers.

Upon completion, you get instant access to Growth Marketing SuperBoost, our on-demand software that allows you to build you a growth marketing strategy customized for your business or organization.

You also get access to Growth Marketing Central, an online portal which includes next steps about how to use and implement your new growth marketing strategy, so you can start seeing vital results.

If you prefer as an add-on, you can schedule an additional 1-hour one-to-one strategy session with one of our growth marketing strategists, via a video call.

Understandably, the “growth” in growth marketing scares off a lot of businesses and organizations. They think that brand marketing is only for the Coca-Cola’s and Tesla’s of the world.

Turns out, growth marketing is for businesses and organizations of all kinds and sizes.

Typically, Growth Marketing Masterclass customers are founders, CEOs, CMOs, marketing directors, and marketing managers.

Better growth marketing drives three main results:

1. Better Performance: Whether you are looking to increase revenues, sales, prices, or donations, growth marketing will position your business or organization to perform much higher across your most important KPIs.

2. Better Growth: As they say, you either are in the green and growing or in the red and rotting. Growth marketing supercharges growth, such as greater market share, pricing power, and customer lifetime value, as well as lesser cost-per-acquisition and churn.

3. Better Opportunities: Growth marketing enables businesses and organizations to more seamlessly pivot, add more products and services, develop beneficial partnerships, raise venture capital, and hire better employees, among many other examples.

Each masterclass is 90 minutes long — 50 minutes for the course instruction, and 40 minutes for questions and answers.

If you are not 100-percent happy with the masterclass, we will immediately refund you — no questions asked (except for some feedback that we can use to make the masterclass even better).

The Growth Marketing Institute, founded in 2012, is behind Growth Marketing Masterclass. We are headquartered in Los Angeles.

Our clients include Fendi, the U.S. Embassy, SodaStream, WeWork, W Hotels, LYFE Kitchen, and San Francisco Blockchain Week.

The Growth Marketing Institute is led by Joshua Hoffman, author of “The Growth Marketing Book” which is available on Amazon.

If you would like to work with us in another capacity, please explore our offerings and contact us!

How much is generating a growing stream of more sales, strengthening customer loyalty, and lowering acquisition costs worth to your business?

Get started now!


Growth Marketing Masterclass
$ 999
00 one-time
  • One live, private, customized 90-minute Growth Marketing Masterclass with one of our growth marketing strategists, according to your schedule
  • Invite as many people as you want to the masterclass, at no additional cost.
  • 100% money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied
  • Access to Growth Marketing SuperBoost software
  • Access to Growth Marketing Central online portal
  • An additional 1-hour one-on-one video call with one of the Growth Marketing Institute's strategists, according to your schedule


Growth Marketing Masterclass
$ 599
00 one-time
  • One live, private, customized 90-minute Growth Marketing Masterclass with one of our growth marketing strategists, according to your schedule
  • Invite as many people as you want to the masterclass, at no additional cost.
  • 100% money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied
  • Access to Growth Marketing SuperBoost​ software
  • Access to Growth Marketing Central online portal​


1150 South Olive Street
Los Angeles, CA, USA

© 2024 Growth Marketing Institute. All rights reserved.